Sunday, December 29, 2013

Super fun day with Noa!

What happened after 11am when we picked Noa up from school? SUPER YOM KEF! (Super fun day).  We promptly took her to an indoor gymboree play center with big slides and places to climb and cushy blocks to arrange.  In the background there was children's hebrew music playing and parents laying around watching their kids play.  I was a little more "hands on" and went down the slide that adults aren't allowed on.  Maybe I don't think of myself as an adult yet.  I think I had more fun than I should have in that place :)  Next.. shnitzel & frenchfries.  Then Kuma got to sit in the front seat as we drove him to the Groomer's. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hiking in En Gev

Festivals and life